Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The First One

Yes. Here we are back at square one. A new blog for the umpteenth time. But I have more hopes for this one.

I know for the longest time that FB status is not the place to put up long essays and I should have kept my old journals/blogs for them. But I never got around to making a new blog.

Truthfully, I never got around to keep them going after the initial post. Heh.

Why should this be any different?

The few reasons that I can think of right now are:

  1. I want to share and talk about the things I've read up regarding Early Years Practices
  2. I need a place to reflect my learnings and experiences of being part of Early Years industry
  3. Most of the teachers I admire have a place for them to share notes, thoughts, and ideas- so, I am following them*
  4. This will be a platform for my product: ME!
  5. This is my way of practicing what I have learned from my teachers

*One effective way when learning from successful people is by copying them (of course there are certain things you need to consider when copying them but that's for a different blog post)

So, yeah.

Stay tune and enjoy this journey with me.

Teacher Najmi